
Post No. 8

Hello my darlings, I'm still alive. Barely.

The school year is off to a not so big bang. The sludge they drip into our brains about "God" is beginning to rot and smell quite foul to this Stranger. I miss the freedom of the Internet. I miss having companions whom I can actually talk to. School cuts into my time with my fellow Strangers, and I've begun to go quite mad. The useless flesh mounds at my school dull my senses and fail to capture my attention.

There is one boy who may have promise. He caught my eye in our creative writings class, I'd like to say it was because he wrote something incredible and Strange, but honestly, it was because he was shockingly attractive. (Come on now my lovelies, I may be Strange but I still have basic human thoughts!) Tall, thick wavy brown hair and chocolate coloured eyes, he had me stunned. Yet somehow I was the only one to notice him. All the other girls looked past him as soon as they saw the glasses, his huge backpack, and a well worn paperback clutched in his hand.

Me, being the socially awkward person that I am, said nothing, but luckily him being a studious nerd like myself, sat in the front row beside me. Upon closer inspection I realised the book in his hand was a journal, but to my dismay he looked up as I was studying him, causing me to turn bright red and snap my head back to the front of the room. He chuckled and shook his head, turning his eyes back to his journal.

I don't know what it is about him. Maybe its just because hes so attractive. But he's caught my interest. I want to know him. Oh dear. Is this love?

Creative Writing (don't bother reading)

Just a snipet I wrote out of boredom. Pay it no attention.


I sat across the table from another vague acquaintance, someone I hardly knew who thought she knew me. She smiled and kept the sparse conversation going at a snails pace, telling me about any meaningless nonsense, simply so we wouldn't be sitting in silence. I nodded and continued to rip my sandwich into pieces, eating them one by one. The conversation meant nothing but it was welcome, being an outsider is not easy in this school.

The conversation was cut off by the loud tittering from the cluster of girls across the lunchroom who were all crammed around one table giggling over some pop culture magazine. I tapped my Chucks on the ground to an imaginary beat and looked at the group, profiling each of them in my mind. All the same. Nothing unique or interesting about them. I rolled my eyes and looked back to my lunch mate, a smirk sliding over my unglossed lips.

"Idiots," I muttered, my dark look burning into the backs of their bleached blonde heads, "probably fawning over some other pre-pubescent teenage boy."

The girl across the table giggled, and looked slightly more relaxed now that I had actually said something. Startled by the friendly sound I looked back to her, a hesitant smile on my lips. "You agree then?"

"Who wouldn't?" she smirked back, "We may have uniforms, but they take it to a new level. Matching hair, bags, oh look. matching nails!" she shook her head mockingly, "and its all fake! Fake hair, fake nails, fake tan, goodness. Someone should check the back of their necks for a 'Made in China' sticker."

A genuine smile stretched across my face as I appraised the girl, finding something I must have overlooked when I originally sat down. Finally someone with a molecule of intelligence! "I agree, maybe you aren't as big of a waste of space as I thought!"

She looked slightly taken aback and smiled uncertainly, "Er... thank you?"

I smiled, "I'm only kidding, oh, by the way, whats your name again?"

"Audrey," she replied with a smirk, "lovely memory you've got."

I smiled and shrugged "I'm working on it."


Post No. 7

Finally someone has stepped from the shadows and suggested a topic for me. Thank you Gwen.

Boys. Girls. Everyone in between. We all feel the need to be accepted and more importantly loved. My religion teacher preaches that "God" made us this way so that we would never be alone but really, hasn't "He" sentenced us to an even more lonely existence? I mean think about it. How many of us humans find love the first time? How many heartbreaks do we suffer before we find "the one"? How many times do we think someone loves us only for them to rip out our hearts and stomp them into a bloody mush?

As I've said in a previous post, I've never been in love. I've never even seen it. Love is such a foreign word to me yet it is probably the word I hear most. I'm not saying I don't have feelings, I've liked several people, but never strongly enough to call it love.

Gwen's told me about her recent confusion. I wont expose it, simply because it is not my story to tell, but I will say that shes been through a rough time with an idiotic boy. Not all males are so incompetent Gwen. Though the vast majority of them my age are. My advice? Move on girl. Get over the loser. Once he realizes how special and Strange you are he will come back begging, and then who will stand tall? Who will be the one saying "I don't want a relationship."?  You. Because you deserve better.

Stay Strange darlings.

Post No. 6

As I drag my feet up the slabs of concrete steps leading up to my school, I wonder if today will be any different from the day before, or the one before that. I wonder if I'll find another of the Strange within the confining walls of the ordinary. I wonder if I'll pluck up the courage to shout my Strangeness to the world as I desperately wish I could.

I think of high school as a jungle. The metaphor is over used but it is so extremely true. The human race has a chain of command, just as the animal kingdom does. The cheerleaders sit at the top, ruling over their peers with their bleached hair and false nails, while jocks follow them, watching, hoping that they will glance at their overly toned bodies and fall in lust. And then the nerds and dorks sit at the bottom, some content to stay in their place; their comfort zone, and fly under the radar, and others still futilely to climb their way to the top. The people in between are no different. In high school, you either sink, swim, or float.

My school is catholic, much to my displeasure. Everyday I walk into the concrete jungle and plaster a smile on my face because, really, who is going to look close enough to see how fake I am? Even my friends don't notice my depression, I guess I'm a better actress then I thought.

Stay Strange my lovelies


Post No. 5

Dear ms faith,
I agree with you completely. Why should we hide our Strangeness. Why should we conform to the typical and mundane. Be different. Be Strange. Get lost. And bring as many as you can with you.

Hello my darlings,
Ms faith has brought a touchy subject to my attention. Stereotypes.
We all have them, and we all believe them to one degree of another. They're just another shlop of brain ooze thats seeped into even our Strange minds. It's stained our precious view point and tainted our ever growing minds, but Strange as we may be we are only human and we cannot help it.

Stereotypes were created in order for humans to feel comfortable with others and even themselves. If someone is a certain 'type' they instantly belong and don't need to worry about being outcasted by that group of people, but are completely comfortable hating someone simply because they belong to a diffrent group. But the minute someone steps foot outside one of our catagories, we instantly reject them and think something is wrong or off about them, simply because we are not used to new and unique things.
Really, as awful as sterotypes are, they tend to be nessecary for basic human function in an environment such as highschool or college/university. I myself am facinated by human nature and tend to study it quite closely. The things you can learn by someones basic movmemts or mannerisims are quite astounding.

And as much as I wish I could reject the stereotypes that have contaminated my mind, everytime I see a person they instantly fall into one of the many catagories that have dribbled into my subconcious.


Post No. 4.5

More followers! Welcome to the revolution my darlings!

Goodness. Now that people actually read this I'm at a loss of what to say.
Any questions? Suggested topics?

Share the link fellow Strangers. Expand and multiply for our revolution has begun :-)

Post No. 4


Another has joined the revolution.
A kindred spirt is hard to find for this StrangeGirl.
A treasured friend I hope.
Welcome to the Strange side. Welcome to the elite few who have seen the real world and still have a glimmer of morbid hope.
Will you join us?
Are you ready to get lost with us?
Are YOU a StrangeGirl?

Post No. 3

Hello darlings,
Oops? I tried to follow my fellow strange girl and some how followed myself?
And now it won't let me unfollow. /: angry face.

Thats one of my biggest peeves. When websites have misleading buttons.
The only peeve I have that bigger then that is fake people. Same concept, apperences decieveing me. Lying in general bothers me.

Why do people feel the need to lie? About who they are, what they do, anything. It just makes no sense to me because in the end all lies come out. And the consequences of said lies are only made worse by hiding them. Nothing can be so bad as to need a lie.

Fake people are the worst type. The type that need to please others, in order to be happy with themselves. Sheep. Followers. Vermin.
People that lack the basic imagination to make thier own dreams goals and style.
Then again, people were pretty much built to be pack animals. The vast majority of us are co-dependant, always needing to feel wanted, needed. Or always needing to have a significant other, just so they feel accepted.

Not this Strange girl. I've never understood those type of people. Who needs anyone else when you've got 4 black cats, an intellegent mind, and a couple good fantasy books for inspiration for your next big idea.

Post No. 2

Hello darlings. As you can tell I'm in a blogging mood.

I'm curious. Is anyone reading this in love? True deep wonderful love? Is it all that is made out to be? Oh the irony. I made a blog to answer others questions and now I'm asking them myself.

I've never been in love. Atleast I don't think I have. Isn't it supposed to be something you know right away? That you feel everytime you're with someone?
I've been in relationships before. None have ended well.
You aren't supposed to be able to fall out of love... But I do..
It just... Dissappeared.. Everytime.
Is it ... Dare I say normal? Or am I just as strange as I would like to think?

I have a friend who thinks she's in love. But I hope for her sake she's not.
The boy she 'loves' is a selfish prick. He treats her poorly and yet she still goes back to him. Why? People say love makes you do stupid things, but doesn't this overstep a boundry? Does love HAVE boundries?

Sometimes, I'm glad I'm not in love. It just seems to complicate things.

Post No. 1

Hello darlings. Specifically my only follower. Hello ms Strange.

Considering I only began my blog today, I didn't know wether it would be proper manners to blog again, but then it occured to me that I didn't care.

My family thinks thats one of my problems. That I don't care enough. But in my mind, I care more then most. The only catch, is that I care about diffrent things then my family.
They care about IF the tv works, I care about HOW it works. How strong the current running across my screen is at thousands of miles a minute so I may be able to see what I am seeing. And if I am nothing but milltons of microscopic pixels on a giant screen.

I told you I am lost, didn't I?

I assume everyone has seen the movies 'The Matrix'
These movies have to be some of my favourite. I agree with so much of the thought process that went into creating them.
The idea that we are all simply just dreaming?
The thought that humans are a virus?
Genius. Strange. True?


Hello my darlings.
I see you've stumbled into my mind? How intriguing. What has brought you here? A question perhaps? Or maybe a thirst for the knowledge of a fellow outsider?
Whatever the case, welcome. I hope you enjoy your time here.

A am one of many outsiders, but one of the few who chose the name of The Strange.
We are the few who do not fear the unknown or differnt but embrace it, naming ourselves after our Emily. The Strangest of us all. We are the few who see the world as it is, and dream if how it should be. We are The Strange.

I would like to say that I am unique. Differnt. An outsider. But really, are any of us? I am no longer unique, simply because I have taken the name of The Strange, I am no longer alone nor am differnt. I am Strange.

I am a strange girl born into a strange world with a strange life.

I am not the same as you, but differnt in the same ways.
I make no sense, but it makes perfect sense.
I am lost. Can you help find me?

Welcome to my mind.